Anti Ragging Cell

An Anti Ragging Cell has been formed in the College following the recommendations of the Lyngdoh Committee and Supreme Court Judgment on the ragging of students in educational institutions.

                     Anti Ragging Rules (Ragging is Banned)

Punishable Offences


  • 1 Abetment to ragging
  • 2 Criminal conspiracy to rag
  • 3 Unlawful       assembly      and      rioting while ragging
  • 4 Public nuisance created during ragging
  • 5 Violation of decency and morals through ragging
  • 6 Injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt
  • 7 Wrongful restraint or Wrongful confinement
  • 8 Use of criminal force
  • 9 Assault as well as sexual offences or unnatural offences
  • 10 Extortion or criminal trespass
  • 11 Offences against property
  • 12 Criminal intimidation and attempts to commit any or all of the above mention offences against the victim(s);
  • 13 Physical or psychological humiliation
  • 14 All other offences that follow from the definition of ‘Ragging’.
  • 1 Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges
  • 2 Withholding/      withdrawing      scholarship/fellowship and other          benefits
  • 3 Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other                       evaluation process
  • 4 Withholding results
  • 5 Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national      or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
  • 6 Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel
  • 7 Cancellation of admission
  • 8 Rustication from the institution for period ranging from I to IV                semesters
  • 9 Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from                  admission to any other  institution for a specified period
  • 10 Heavy Fine, Rigorous imprisonment upto 3 years
  • 11 Collective Punishment: When the persons committing or abetting           the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to        collective punishment


Link to submit Anti Ragging Affidavit: