Swachhta Action Plan (SAP)- MGNCRE

Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) is an initiative by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), under the Ministry of Human Resource Development in working towards Swachhta in districts. Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) of MGNCRE  has made inroads into Universities/Higher Educational Institutions across the country. The Nodal Officer Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) is in-charge in Universities/Higher Educational Institutions. MGNCRE’s SAP activity has become a practical phase of scientific development and think-tank contributing to nation building and leading to economic growth.

Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, in Government of India strives to promote resilient rural India through Higher Education interventions. MGNCRE designs, develops and promotes curriculum inputs for higher education programmes offered by Universities and Autonomous Institutions in India. The higher educational streams of focus for MGNCRE include: Rural Studies, Rural Development, Rural Management, Social Work and Education. The curriculum inputs are both theoretical and practical field-related relevant to rural India.


Formulate and recognise curricular inputs and accredit courses and higher educational institutions, which enable development of sustainable, climate and disaster resilient rural livelihoods.


“Swachhta has been recognised and accorded top priority by the government of India. Hygiene and hygienic practices in life are critical for health not only to improve a living environment but also to elevate our thinking to a more pure and healthy state. A huge population base and varying education and awareness levels do not promote a secure hygienic environment and hence this is a major challenge. Lack of hygiene in habits negatively impacts the country's progress to global benchmarks in all spheres and also impacts the working population. 
This creates unhealthy mind- sets in the people. A clean or Swachh mind is generated from a Swachh environment. Teachers and students of the education system need to play the lead role in making the masses aware of the quintessential need for hygiene. The Department of Higher Education decided to embark on the mission through the standard operating procedure on Swachhta for its Institutions setting forth practices that must be implemented at all higher educational institutions.

All Institutions need to simultaneously follow the parameters of the campus hygiene laid out in the material so that the minds of the students flower in a clean and pure campus atmosphere. Along with education, swachhta is also a precious lesson that can be learnt in education Institutions. MGNCRE was deputed to work on creation of various tools to help HEIs to inculcate a sense of Swachhta in their students.

Contact Us:

Email: mgncresggs@gmail.com

Coordinator: Dr Akanksha Gupta Qayum, Nodal Officer SAP (MGNCRE)